Cassette Toilet Seat Raiser C2c3c4
Cassette Toilet Seat Raiser C2c3c4

Oz Off Road

Cassette Toilet Seat Raiser C2c3c4

Sale price$79.40 AUD

The Thetford Seat Raiser is the perfect solution for enhancing the comfort and accessibility of your Thetford cassette toilet C2, C3 or C4. Designed especially for elderly individuals, taller users and those with limited mobility, this innovative accessory revolutionises the bathroom experience.

With a convenient 7cm height increase, our seat raiser simplifies the process of sitting down and standing up. Crafted to seamlessly match the colour and quality of your original Thetford toilet, it’s a perfect fit for your C2, C3 or C4 model. Installation is a breeze, effortlessly attaching to all Thetford C2, C3 and C4 cassette toilets. Even attaching the seat and cover to the raiser is hassle-free.